The Ely Eye is an A5 magazine delivered to Ely homes and some surrounding villages, offering effective local advertising for businesses and charities. It's really the handy, village mag for Ely!
We offer cost effective local advertising and discounted rates to local non-profit and community groups funded by the generous support of our business advertisers. We can also do leaflet drops and help with design, or promotion ideas, just ask! We have a thriving 'groups and meets' section, highlighting the wealth of social and cultural activities in the city and we believe that when business and community come together great things can happen! We publish 6 issues per year (July/Sept/Nov/Jan/Mar/May) and distribute through our own local team. Ely is a great place and we love celebrating the fantastic community spirit here!

Through our hardworking team of locals, delivering the magazine door to door in Ely and to drop off points in the villages, we distribute 10,000 copies to our loyal readership 6 times a year.
Community Info
In our community pages, we have a thriving 'Groups and Meets' section where you can find local clubs, activities, good causes and more! We list local events and publish features and articles sent in by members of the community.

Business Advertising
Advertising in the Elyi Magazine is very easy and incredibly good value for money.
There's no better way to get your business noticed by the Ely population and an advert booked with us helps fund the free and discounted space for charity and community groups. We offer help with design and editorial so you can easily promote your business or service and also offer distribution of your own leaflets by our reliable team.