The wonderful Lesley Bishop who has led the small team of volunteers through many popular money raising events such as the “NSPCC Summer Suppers” is stepping down and Johanna Partridge is picking up the reins of this very worth-while and fun group of volunteers.

“The pandemic has meant many lost opportunities for raising money to fund this important national charity that does so much to assist families and children in the United Kingdom” says Joanna. “We have been thinking of ways to raise money despite the restrictions and though it has meant we have been unable to get together as a group we have still raised £370 from two kerbside plant stalls in Ely and Sutton this May. A big thank you to all those who donated plants. We are holding a further Plant Stall on week beginning Friday September 18th for all the keen gardeners of Ely. This stall will be outside 47 Downham Road, Ely, come early for bargains.”
The Summer venture is “Buy a tea for NSPCC” a doorstep delivery of a cream tea and a special treat for those still isolating.
For details of joining our band of happy volunteers with whatever input you can manage you can ring or text us on 0791261715 and talk to Johanna or 01353 610787 to speak to Wendy.