Babylon Arts announce winning artists as voted for by the public.

Ely-based ceramicist Louise Beale and sculptor Mike Hartley have been announced as the two artists winning a £1800 commission for the “Somewhere in Ely” project.
The outdoor arts project called “Somewhere in Ely” was launched in the city earlier this year with the support of Babylon Arts, Ely Markets and Ely College. Artists, makers and creators from across the country were invited to propose ideas for fun and unexpected things to happen in the city. There were over 70 proposals offering performances, sculpture, installations, activities and events. It was the job of Ely residents to vote on the final five shortlisted artists. “We are delighted to announce the two artists voted by the public to receive commissions as part of the Somewhere in Ely project,” Says project manager Amy Wormald

“Louise Beale is a ceramic artist based in Ely. Her vision is to bring an installation of hundreds of ceramic sculptures to our city. Louise is inviting local people to get involved in and will be giving away free making kits to anyone who is interested.”

“Mike Hartley makes kinetic sculptures using recycled materials. He is developing a fantastical contraption called the ‘The Yesterday and Tomorrow Machine.’ We’ll share photos of him working in a forge on our social media channels over the coming weeks.”
The two artists will be developing their work to share in Ely during October half term. Local residents are invited to get involved from August to September. If you would like to try your hand at making a model out of air-dry clay please get in touch. Louise will be giving away ‘making packs’ to Ely residents, families, businesses, schools and care homes. The packs include clay, paint and materials, and all the instructions you will need to make your own mini artwork.
You can collect a FREE making pack from Babylon Gallery or from Ely Market on selected days. You can also contact Louise directly if you would prefer a pack to be delivered to you.
For more details visit or contact Louise on